

Spacious twin shared cabins with bunk beds or double bed Each cabin has a private bathroom with toilet and shower Hot and Cold water shower Washbasin and soap toiletries in your cabin Cabins have individually controlled air conditioning Towels and beach towels that are regularly cleaned You can dine or relax in our spacious air conditioned lounge We use teak wooden furniture in lounge, cabins and on deck Spacious sun and semi-covered decks Free tea and coffee making facilities, 汽水, 啤酒和矿泉水 24 hours a day Excellent food and snacks (素食食品。.



  Utmost importance is placed on the safety of not only the guests but also the crew. 这是我们的承诺和优先级,以确保安全不受到损害,在任何意义,整个巡航. 基本的急救和我们所有的人员在船上所有船员都受过良好的训练有关当局认证. 该容器配备的雷达, 测深仪, 古野WAAS /全球定位系统(GPS),甚至是一个卫星电话和手持Garmin的GPS紧急情况. 在任何潜水突发事件的, 我们的潜水招标设备与 2 双向甚高频无线电, 不断住在触摸与母亲船...



Ombak酒店比如船员都是来自五湖四海的印尼群岛, 从苏拉威西岛松巴哇岛和Java阿洛. 随时准备帮助你面带微笑. 船长 / 队长: Agus Harmoko Mualim 1 / 副驾驶: Kasim Tukloy Mualim 2 / 二副: Edi Kasman Juru Mudi / Steeering伴侣: Silfinus Hardim, 能阿塔Abola, Margono Kkm / 总工程师: Sanusi Masinis 1 / 第一个工程师: Basri Masinis 2 / 二工程师: Syarifuddin Juru Minyak / 注油壶: Andi Mustar Chef: Basori Juru Masak: Budiyanto Pembantu Juru Masak: Nikolaus Yufri Purser / 服务员:...



Our Cuisine

它始终是一个挑战,以提供一个宿新鲜和美味的餐点. 然而, as daunting as the task may be, 它已成为一个优先事项,为客人只有最好的,但也是最健康餐. 有了这主意, 我们咨询了知名开发商的食谱, food stylist and cooking instructor to develop a new menu for the Indo Aggressor. 鲁哈尼Jelani从伦敦蓝带烹饪学校在伦敦毕业 1983 在完成基础课程的法国烹饪后. 拥有超过 20 years of recipe development and food writing experience to her credit, Rohani’s main...



Owner Suite Situated on the upperdeck, 每次你走出房间,这是一个完美的景色. 宽大的室内空间窗口, 它可以配备一张双人床或两张单人床配置. 拥有木制内饰, 空调客房都配有清爽的床单, 电吹风, 浴袍和热水淋浴. 私人浴室洗浴用品和毛巾可以发现. Deluxe StateRoom Situated at the lower deck bow, 它是理想更喜欢一张双人床setting.Amenities的,舒适的套房,包括吹风机和浴袍你的...
